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  • Found a pet bird? Here’s what to do.

    Finding a lost pet bird can be a stressful and confusing experience, but there are a few steps you can take to ensure the bird’s safety and help it find its way back to its owner. The first step is to assess the bird’s health. Check the bird’s physical condition and make sure it is…

  • Tips on cleaning and disinfecting bird items

    Cleaning and disinfecting bird items is an important part of maintaining your bird’s health and well-being. Here are some tips on how to safely clean and disinfect bird items: 1) Use a mild detergent: Use a mild detergent, such as a dish soap, to clean the toys and cage. Avoid using harsh chemicals or bleach,…

  • Buying tips for used bird cages and toys

    When it comes to buying bird toys and cages, many pet owners consider purchasing used items as a cost-effective option. It’s important, however, to inspect used items thoroughly before using them to ensure that they are safe for your bird. Safety should be your top priority. Make sure that the toys and cage do not…

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